Friday, October 31, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
Haha feel so pro now, but I think I won't dare to do CPR in a real life situation bah.
Sun's lunch was cool. We (girls) ate fast food from 7-11. Then we were like about an hour early before our test started. So I ordered some first-aid supplies then went out to watch the guys play with ants. THEY DROWNED THEM IN ALCOHOL USED TO CLEAN ANNIE AFTER WE'RE DONE KISSING THEM!
癫疯爷爷! 8D
Haha he's super cute! Let pictures do the talking:
癫疯爷爷 bandaged up and acting shy haha.
I LOVE ODAC! xoxoxoxo
HAHA Okay our examiner was super cute la, he was like telling us what to do for CPR. Scared the shit out of us la!
Today went to school slacked. Thursday watching Coffin with ODAC peeps. Get more people go okay! Eh I don't know what to say le cos I practically forgot everything that happened to me alrdy.
Now I see the need to blog more often - for keepsake I guess. My short-term-memory can't remember all the happy memories. FREEZE! :D
Saturday, October 25, 2008
I'm 15 already. Some people turning 16 soon!
Firstly must thank Kuanlian and Xiujing for the book! 彭于晏.墾丁15X6! 爱死你们了!
Dearest poon for chocs and tickets!
Secondly to people who wished me happy birthday one way or another.
Benjamin Kuanlian Kienping Ryan Joel(Tan) Jiaqian Tanxiang Xiaodi Poon Jiawei Xiujing Louis Youwei Gladys Ruiqi Jam Yingzhi Eckerene Amelia Chantel Kelvin Mr Chan Xianzheng Nicole Sinyi Mayee Yingxiang Bro Weijie Michael Fongting Bryan Huiminleong Siewkiang Clarkson Wenkai Honghan Shaun Jianzhong
Sorry if I missed you out, tell me!
Morning had First-aid course with ODAC :D
Released one hour earlier than stipulated time.
So all the sec 3s present plus Poon went to some shop. Mr Chan treated us iced coffee/milo! Haha had ODAC meeting for the funds and chalet
OMG Can imagine 画面会多温馨感人咧! 像一个大家庭聚在一起吃热腾腾的爱心火锅!
Haha and today I got a 爷爷! Xianzheng! HAHA. I also cannot remember how he got that name le ._.
After that went with Poon and SK to Vivocity! Went to eat (actually only some marine creature eat only la :P) Then SK decided to watch it after all - and she didn't regret okay! Haha then Xiaodi came le with Wenkai Youwei Joel(Tan) and Clarkson. Clarkson was wearing orange! Wenkai normal mixture. Xiaodi and Youwei red like me and SK :D Joel 黑侠! full black la from hair to bag to shirt to shorts to shoes (I think) HAHA.
Went to buy tickets after that cos the boys didn't want to eat. No seat le only left front row so just bought. THANKS XIAODI FOR THE TREAT TO WATCH THIS MOVIE!
Bought drinks and all. You know xiaodi damn what la, only he the only boy wear jacket. Go in nia he take out the punkerjacket and wrap himself up like some mummy -.-
And the boys were laughing almost throughout la - but I still not sure why.
Overall I think Butterfly Lovers was not bad. (SK keep saying Wuzun's skin is damn good)
HuGe was the bad guy o.o
Halfway through on my left SK cried, xiaodi on my right giggling like some idiot -.- Then Youwei say I 哭笑不得 -.-
Movie was about 2 hours long I think. Went home after that cos my daddy picked me up :/ Sent SK home and went to buy cake haha.
Ate cake and bath and now online blogging!
After this have to study for First Aid test tmr. Kissing again haha.
Tada this year's bday was good :D Thanks everyone! Love you loads!
Thanks to those who remembered :)
Friday, October 24, 2008
结果咧? 一点也没有努力到.
烦不烦啊! :/
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Hello all I know it has been a long time since I blogged a proper post.
Was doing my dirty business and I thought of a title for this comeback post - but I just cant seem to remember it now ._. My memory is failing me.
Recently has been very hyped up with Taiwanese Stars - okay I admit - only 2 in particular. Other than that was studying with my dearests! :D Pictures up the next post I promise!
Saturday, Sunday and Monday were totally fab.
Saturday went to watch Sandy Lam's Concert with Gladys, her mum and her mum's friend plus her dad's 2 china secretaries. VIP seat woohoo! :D Thanks Gladys, your mum and your super zai driver for driving me home! :D IT WAS DAMN GOOD I TELL YOU! She's damn hot despite her age (42) damn cheerful, most importantly - her voice was super good. Although the crowd wasn't very high at first (not our generation people) but after that when it was towards the ending, she sang a lot of songs that even I know, so everyone was singing along with her. Supposed to have one encore only whereby she intended to sing 2 songs but she sang 3 I think during the first encore. The camera man also went in already - but then everyone stomped to the stage - and she came out for a second encore :D Her hair was super hot. I got pictures! And her dance was quite good to me. Gladys' driver sent me back after that - 11 pm I think. I want to earn lots of money and drive a humongous Mercedes when I grow up also.
Cars with minimal engine sound attract me a lot. I like the resilient soft purr of such cars more haha.
Sunday was spent with ODAC sec 2s and 3s learning First-Aid.
Gore pictures + laughter + hornyness (kay I invented this word) + lots of kissing!
It's called the KISS OF LIFE (CPR) Was super nervous when I was practising. Then lots of funny things happened - some quite embarrassing la.
Monday went kbox with Kuan and 3 stars. (Jam Hsiao, JJ Lin Jun Jie & PengYuYan)
Was late, then went to eat before going to Kinokuniya to seach for Eddie's Kenting travel book. Find until very pekchek then PengYuYan finally decided to ask for help - and got embarrassed. The salesgirl just walked to the shelf we were searching for and picked the book out without even taking a look. Thus PengYuYan was very embarrassed and pekchek.
After that went to Kbox - It's my first time okay! Then I asked stupid questions and got laughed at by PengYuYan. At first was too shy to sing but then someone commented I spend money to waste then I sing lor. Those MV got Eddie/LinZhiYing/related to both of them one I will start going crazy. YOU KNOW GOT THE YAN HAI GONG LU DE CHU KOU - I almost hyperventilated la. Sang Sandy Lam's songs also 8D
Then Kuan, JJ & PengYuYan opened up the book they bought and starting looking at it. Then they started giggling at the photos (DAMN JEALOUS LEH) Can't wait for Sat's First-Aid Course then I can look at it already!
Homed at about 6.30pm. Very sad la I was staring at PengYuYan's bag when she got on her bus :/ (Cos the book was with her) Took bus with JJ and Kuan home. When I laugh, do I really turn red and look comical? ._.
Today was quite boring. After school went with Jensi, Benedict, Keean and Adriel for some careforce meeting. Then went to find JJ and PengYuYan. Thank you PengYuYan for helping me borrow the book la k! Ai si ni le!
I want to watch butterfly lover!
I want to open a blogshop (need money)
I want to teach tuition! (need money)
I want cca/class outings/chalets!
I want go out!
I want A1 for chinese O's!
I want to watch a lot a lot of shows!
Aiya, it never stops.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Okay Thursday had a lot of free periods. Walked around (as expected)
After school went to help 209 bake their stuff. Knew a few more juniors like Chunxian, Meiru.
Finally knew who is Linfang alrdy -.- A bit retarded I know.
Chatted with Kangwei and Kelvin at the Home Econs Room for a while & went off with SK & Poon.
Friday main thing was PIE I guess.
Some unpleasant stuff happened. (all because of a girl damnit) Sorry Kuan :/ I know you're pissed at another(other) jerk(s) but I still must apologise for the ordeal you went through. Love you loads okay!
Thanks xiaodi/SK/ruiqi/kuan/wangcai/ex202! Love you guys loads. Esp 小弟! ;D
After school went to Queensway with Kuanlian to order ODAC tee for seniors and also ask the price details for guides. The auntie was very nice! Bought Lilin's fbt and went to Mac to eat and chat. Talked a lot, life is so unpredictable and uncontrollable huh. Just be content.
Chiong-ed home, bathed, rushed to central meet Lilin and OXY. Saw eckerene on the bus and chatted quite a lot. Went to school for PIE. Went to find Poon first, her stall in the middle of nowhere and is lenglengqingqingtantan (OXY/lilin even sang the song to GL her HA!) After that went to find 202! Stupid Jerrald was holding the banner then he suddenly recognised me then jumped and went like "ehhh it's you ah!" Then I bought a 'Grin Apple' Mocktail from Lionel. It's super nice okay. I have no idea if it's Lionel who gave me discount or he gave wrong change o.o
Then went to make mooncake (snowskin one) Didn't know la then I apply a lot of flour, then Mine is damn nice! Then I make liao hor that person tell me to eat. Went like ._. Can eat one ah?
Then OXY help me bring to Lionel and he ate half, Gave to Zhenzhou half then Zhenzhou force it down Jerrald ._. Then Lilin/OXY gave Mr Liu (Nick) their mooncake and he ate and said it tasted not bad!
Haha then went to 107 to help Alan collect his gift for his rumored crush but it is not ready yet so they would deliver to our class ._. Went to support 207 after that. Lixin OXY and me each bought one shrit from them 15 bucks total! See I so supportive okay! But it didn't turn out the way we wanted. Wanted to mass spam photos with ODAC juniors but they were busy/attached so we didn't want to invite trouble. Zz. Went for a lantern walk, thanks Jocelyn for helping out to light the candles for the lanterns :D Saw Dawson (Kuan's T-rex Cousin) then walked around after that doing nothing. We spent the most time at 207's stall o.o
Oh and went with Poon to ask 207 ODAC people to buy her sour sweet thing. 1 for 10 cents. Ryan bought 10 and gave me and OXY some. So nice. Saw his girlfriend's twin and I thought I saw a ghost! Xiaodi went home before I could talk to him :x Then waited for dad to come with brother and sister. They went to Sentosa's Mid-Autumn event. Got free mooncake (1 box leh!) from Rendezvous Hotel Singapore. Also got Shangri-La one but my dad didn't take.
Yingzhi very cute he came to ask me 2 times if that's my brother and sister o.o And he said bye to me :D
Went out to gate and Lionel was standing behind me I didn't see until a while before my dad came. My sister says he's famous cause he was called up to stage during assembly once. HAHA maybe is do some indian dance.
Sec 2s also quite political ah, a bit scary.
All because of a girl fuckshit.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Monday was super fun, I can't remember anything except after school me and Xiujing and Mr Chan and other sailing people cabbed down to the sailing place to take photos for the sailing people cause it was their last lesson! (:
The toilet there is damn big, I think it's bigger than one whole nanhua classroom. There's locker area plus steam room plus shower area. Inside got hairdryer, sterilized combs and even cotton swabs! (the one to dig ear one yknow)
Got to ride on a speed boat with Uncle Tay (the instructor) and mass-spammed photos. I'm posting only those looks-okay-but-not-the-best shots cause the best I'll leave for myself & ODAC members only! 8D
Tuesday there's oral, picture discussion is very screwed up but I yak and yak on for conversation until Ms Edwards asked me to stop lol! After that went to Xiujing's class to do the Wishes-And-Encouragement thing for juniors and also Shengjun's birthday card 8D
Wasted a lot of paper (tearing and re-doing) then homed at about 6 plus. Went to develop photos after that for ODAC noticeboard.
Today there's ODAC (I <3 MY RED & HOT ODAC TEE 8D)
Haha my open space period and recess was spent running around to do ODAC errands.
My school life mainly revolves around ODAC since after camp 8D
I was wearing ODAC tee with green fbt so I looked like christmas tree/traffic light -.-
Went with OXY (Xiujing) to central to buy cake for shengjun, we bought a Garfield one haha!
Returned to learn cycling, but me and jam went to do noticeboard. Some others came to help us after that. But there wasn't really much to do :x
Unpleasant stuff happened after that :/
Celebrated Shengjun's birthday (HE CRIED LIKE DUNNO WHAT LIKE THAT - TOUCHED)
Ryan was so man and all that - He was like comforting the weeping Shengjun and it's super touching also!
Omg then OXY also got infected and started crying also.
Talked to Zikang (Jack) & found out some good things about him, I'm happy cause he's willing to listen to me ;D That's how it should be from the start though. He's willing to listen to my advice and me and poonster were both super shocked at his reaction haha.
After that we had a talking session to the juniors because of the problem and kinda reached a compromise. Mr Chan came in halfway with 40 mini-packets of Milo for everyone so we mass-spammed Milo haha, SK was damn happy cause Ryan gave her a packet of Milo lol. And guys who have dignity have balls! LOL. As said by Xianzheng.
After that the juniors went off at about 5pm thus we decided to find our ODAC President to talk. But he doesn't want to so we stoned in the gym until 6pm before going to Staffroom to find Mr Chan. Did nanhua clap and got Milo AGAIN (there's freaking 6/7 cartons of those Milo in there!!)
Overall, I'm super happy cause of Zikang, Lionel (202 boys :D) Ryan and his cute smile (although he looks quite dao - he smiled because we asked him to!) Actually I'm happy cause of ODAC.
But sorry guys, it wasn't meant to end like this, we promise a better one after EOYs! Don't forget the Sentosa outing okay! ;D Love you guys xoxo.
Sailing pictures:
xoxo bye! :D