Haha feel so pro now, but I think I won't dare to do CPR in a real life situation bah.
Sun's lunch was cool. We (girls) ate fast food from 7-11. Then we were like about an hour early before our test started. So I ordered some first-aid supplies then went out to watch the guys play with ants. THEY DROWNED THEM IN ALCOHOL USED TO CLEAN ANNIE AFTER WE'RE DONE KISSING THEM!
癫疯爷爷! 8D
Haha he's super cute! Let pictures do the talking:
癫疯爷爷 bandaged up and acting shy haha.
I LOVE ODAC! xoxoxoxo
HAHA Okay our examiner was super cute la, he was like telling us what to do for CPR. Scared the shit out of us la!
Today went to school slacked. Thursday watching Coffin with ODAC peeps. Get more people go okay! Eh I don't know what to say le cos I practically forgot everything that happened to me alrdy.
Now I see the need to blog more often - for keepsake I guess. My short-term-memory can't remember all the happy memories. FREEZE! :D