Monday was super fun, I can't remember anything except after school me and Xiujing and Mr Chan and other sailing people cabbed down to the sailing place to take photos for the sailing people cause it was their last lesson! (:
The toilet there is damn big, I think it's bigger than one whole nanhua classroom. There's locker area plus steam room plus shower area. Inside got hairdryer, sterilized combs and even cotton swabs! (the one to dig ear one yknow)
Got to ride on a speed boat with Uncle Tay (the instructor) and mass-spammed photos. I'm posting only those looks-okay-but-not-the-best shots cause the best I'll leave for myself & ODAC members only! 8D
Tuesday there's oral, picture discussion is very screwed up but I yak and yak on for conversation until Ms Edwards asked me to stop lol! After that went to Xiujing's class to do the Wishes-And-Encouragement thing for juniors and also Shengjun's birthday card 8D
Wasted a lot of paper (tearing and re-doing) then homed at about 6 plus. Went to develop photos after that for ODAC noticeboard.
Today there's ODAC (I <3 MY RED & HOT ODAC TEE 8D)
Haha my open space period and recess was spent running around to do ODAC errands.
My school life mainly revolves around ODAC since after camp 8D
I was wearing ODAC tee with green fbt so I looked like christmas tree/traffic light -.-
Went with OXY (Xiujing) to central to buy cake for shengjun, we bought a Garfield one haha!
Returned to learn cycling, but me and jam went to do noticeboard. Some others came to help us after that. But there wasn't really much to do :x
Unpleasant stuff happened after that :/
Celebrated Shengjun's birthday (HE CRIED LIKE DUNNO WHAT LIKE THAT - TOUCHED)
Ryan was so man and all that - He was like comforting the weeping Shengjun and it's super touching also!
Omg then OXY also got infected and started crying also.
Talked to Zikang (Jack) & found out some good things about him, I'm happy cause he's willing to listen to me ;D That's how it should be from the start though. He's willing to listen to my advice and me and poonster were both super shocked at his reaction haha.
After that we had a talking session to the juniors because of the problem and kinda reached a compromise. Mr Chan came in halfway with 40 mini-packets of Milo for everyone so we mass-spammed Milo haha, SK was damn happy cause Ryan gave her a packet of Milo lol. And guys who have dignity have balls! LOL. As said by Xianzheng.
After that the juniors went off at about 5pm thus we decided to find our ODAC President to talk. But he doesn't want to so we stoned in the gym until 6pm before going to Staffroom to find Mr Chan. Did nanhua clap and got Milo AGAIN (there's freaking 6/7 cartons of those Milo in there!!)
Overall, I'm super happy cause of Zikang, Lionel (202 boys :D) Ryan and his cute smile (although he looks quite dao - he smiled because we asked him to!) Actually I'm happy cause of ODAC.
But sorry guys, it wasn't meant to end like this, we promise a better one after EOYs! Don't forget the Sentosa outing okay! ;D Love you guys xoxo.
Sailing pictures:
xoxo bye! :D