Thursday, January 29, 2009


Today is the 4th day of Chinese New Year.
11 more days to go.
I spent around 6 days in Malaysia - collecting angbaos! :D
Haha I don't really know what to blog about so uploaded some pictures here.

Behind my grandpa's shop. Selling ice - hot demand during CNY!

See they can even play with shoes!

My brother looks retardedddddd.

Today was entertained by some performers from Nanjing. Very impressive indeed :D
After school ate with Kuanlian, did some planning and went for Malay.

To speak the truth, I do feel disappointed.
But all I can do is pray hard that you don't fall prey to that predator.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Pictures for you guys to view (for me to keepsake).
I attended Sec 1 Orientation Camp :D
Was a station master for some passing items using body parts thingum.
After Survival challenge then I've got like nothing to do already.
Heard I could just hang around the classes so of course I went to find 202 people yeah?
Donna, Weide, Miaopei and Vivian. Plus at last see this Liang Choon guy lol!
K la if you guys really want details about the camp can like go to other people's blog because I'm kind of lazy to repeat lol! Main point is it was fun working with people and I find out this year Sec 4 2009 students very very nice :D
K I didn't really sleep (maybe like 20 mins?) - couldn't sleep man plus it was bloody cold.
Walked around see people sleeping around (k sounds super wrong but you know what I mean)
Rushed off with Hiok Ann to meet Xiujing at Clementi for Salvation Army CIP thingy.
It was super duper cool - we went to their storehouse where things people donate will be packed before being sent to sell at their branches.
So obviously we packed stuff, counting and all - was a little slack but had fun with ODAC people.
Laughed really hard when Weizhou pressed too hardly on the water cooler thingy and ended up having water shoot up his nose HAHA.
Me and Xiujing went into the shop to see what stuff we could find - in the end we shared to buy Eddie's drama - Tomorrow :D Was a super good steal man!
Decided to sign up as volunteer after that and wanted to have Pastamania for dinner.
Xiujing told me and Jam that Tiong have, then when we alighted from the train she asked us if Tiong has Pastamania! (Almost wanted to faint!)
So we decided to have MOS burger :D Had a really hard time getting the bread out of my teeth eww.
Then after that me and xiujing 'bickered' all the way to the station. Jam says I like have PMS lol!
I think it's because of lack of sleep plus stupid braces wire cutting my lips until MY WHOLE LEFT SIDE OF THE LIP SWELL THE NEXT DAY. Can you imagine?!?! (Trust Wai Hoong to still kajiao me when I asked him for wax :s)
Thus I became crazy & cranky :D
(But jam and xiujing said I'm already like that no need reason to explain -.-)
So for the next day I kept wanting to fall asleep haha!
K anyway a lot of people's siblings in Nanhua this year lol!
And also congrats to Sec 4s last year with outstanding O level results! :D

This thing is like so cool - hardly ever see it in Singapore already! (At the Salvation Army place)


K la halfway I was so tired I grabbed Xiujing and slept/rest cause there not really much place to sit/lean onto. Jam said we looked like some couple who 重逢 in some MV LOL!

K that's all. Don't say I never blog ah! Next time will be CNY pictures I guess :D

Got my masks today! Hehe

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Today went shopping with mama and sister.
Bought this dress! :D
Wah my father went like 'Finally you are going to dress like a lady." True la, the last time I wore a dress was like 56456456464 YEARS ago.
It's black with purple prints - really pretty and was a steal :D
Bought lots of things today, a black with orange pouch, two pairs of jeans, one short one knee-length, a pair of shoes :D
Wah, quite a lot in 2 hours right.
I still need a bottle and another item for chinese new year haha. I feel that my blog is revived 8D
Pet Society - Sentian!

Btw, I have lots of pictures, will upload them by next week!
New skin is up with new music, new picture(!!)

今年升上中四了,上课的第一天就感觉到很大的压力了;老师以及父母都对自己抱着很大的希望 :S
今年可能会比较少上网留言了,作业堆积如山,我看接下来连睡觉的时间也未必足够了,可是我还是会尽量抽时间留言,说说校园生活中发生的一些有趣好笑的事情,让大家放松一下心情 :D


P/S: 听了歌如果好听要告诉我okay! 这位歌手的声音可是很有power的!好声音好音乐值得被欣赏!