go read valerie's blog rawr
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
turned out that i was terribly wrong, and that I do need historical knowledge for my history, wth ><
and chem retest was easy, although i screwed the second chem test. why chemistry must have weekly tests?!?! :0 *cursecursecurse*
I haven't listened to mrs chang one bit for coordinate geometry, and she has finished the topic, so I would have to rush out my tuition homework, and finish the chapter *groans* Apparently, our class has a huge crush on mrs chang, like she's so cute haha, evia wrote on a paper "mrs chang you so xing4 gan3!" and drew a horrible-looking cartoon face and then added another "ah-nia!" haha it means lady in teochew or Cantonese I think. then she raised up in the air and showed everyone, the paper was later passed to the front to her and she gave us a 'diao' face and told us to frame it up. following this, a huge paper heart was folded and had "we love mrs chang!" written on it, passed to her again whahahaha. her reaction was damn pekchek but damn funny. hehs.
After school stayed back with grace kwan kwan kwan to do class banner, it's gonna be super pretty i bet you. we ended up laughing at mr ramlan and decided to do a new board and drew some random stuff on it. tmr's javelin practice, i'll own (:
thank you fongting for that post on me, waiting for huixin's and xuewei's and ruiqi's one whahaha.
let's talk about ruiqi, that poot girl asked me to blog about her (see so byl) but nvm la i'm willing too whoooo, cos she my best friend (: from secondary 1 till now, although got disputes, huge ones even, but yeah, we're still together. remember the times when we walk down orchard road and bought nothing cos all either too ex or not nice, and i was complaining that my legs were aching (i'm not shopping material la aiyo) then eventually, she spent about 70 at my house's market, buying the same swimming suit as me(which you haven't wear, when will you go swimming with me la rawr?) and the same halter neck bra and the same jeans overalls skirt haha, all haven't see her wear. and i remember i still haven't help you buy your white sports bra :x never meet the lady then the rest all lousy bra so nvr buy paiseh. and then we would go online and talk about songs with high pitch and all, then on imeem and try singing, then boasting that we can reach the high notes (you can't do rainie yang :P) and forcing xiaodi to sing for us :D therefore we three are singing partners :P although this year not same class alrdy, but you still my bestie okay :D anything can tell me de, there for you anytime :D secrets safe with me :D ily! <3
and chem retest was easy, although i screwed the second chem test. why chemistry must have weekly tests?!?! :0 *cursecursecurse*
I haven't listened to mrs chang one bit for coordinate geometry, and she has finished the topic, so I would have to rush out my tuition homework, and finish the chapter *groans* Apparently, our class has a huge crush on mrs chang, like she's so cute haha, evia wrote on a paper "mrs chang you so xing4 gan3!" and drew a horrible-looking cartoon face and then added another "ah-nia!" haha it means lady in teochew or Cantonese I think. then she raised up in the air and showed everyone, the paper was later passed to the front to her and she gave us a 'diao' face and told us to frame it up. following this, a huge paper heart was folded and had "we love mrs chang!" written on it, passed to her again whahahaha. her reaction was damn pekchek but damn funny. hehs.
After school stayed back with grace kwan kwan kwan to do class banner, it's gonna be super pretty i bet you. we ended up laughing at mr ramlan and decided to do a new board and drew some random stuff on it. tmr's javelin practice, i'll own (:
thank you fongting for that post on me, waiting for huixin's and xuewei's and ruiqi's one whahaha.
let's talk about ruiqi, that poot girl asked me to blog about her (see so byl) but nvm la i'm willing too whoooo, cos she my best friend (: from secondary 1 till now, although got disputes, huge ones even, but yeah, we're still together. remember the times when we walk down orchard road and bought nothing cos all either too ex or not nice, and i was complaining that my legs were aching (i'm not shopping material la aiyo) then eventually, she spent about 70 at my house's market, buying the same swimming suit as me(which you haven't wear, when will you go swimming with me la rawr?) and the same halter neck bra and the same jeans overalls skirt haha, all haven't see her wear. and i remember i still haven't help you buy your white sports bra :x never meet the lady then the rest all lousy bra so nvr buy paiseh. and then we would go online and talk about songs with high pitch and all, then on imeem and try singing, then boasting that we can reach the high notes (you can't do rainie yang :P) and forcing xiaodi to sing for us :D therefore we three are singing partners :P although this year not same class alrdy, but you still my bestie okay :D anything can tell me de, there for you anytime :D secrets safe with me :D ily! <3
replies to tags:
hUIMIN`chng: of course la i blog de okay, just no time only. huh really ah wht did she do, she today damn good mood la haha.
Kuan: haha yeah la, then the next day we imitated him during lesson and he laughed heartily hahaha.
Wenkai: you old man ah, eyesight not good, get a pair of specs! 8D
BUBU: then so dumb got weekly chemistry tests la, when i dont even get the topics! >< no problem :D
ruiqi: i blogged about you le okay, be contented woman must tag a lot a lot :D ily, why never eat the lolly later melt then you know haha
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
I've a truckload of tests coming up, failed my 'chemical bonding & atomic structure' chemistry test, so as a punishment, deemed by ms wang, I have to take two chemistry tests tmr :0
Which is really cruel cause chemistry is my worst subject and I have to get 'Experimental Techniques, Salts & Chemical Analysis' into my mini brain. See how I'll die. Forward to thursday, I'll be having history test, which will be super long cause there are reliability, compare & contrast and inference questions, but just have to learn the skills I think, no memorizing :D Friday I'll be going to field practice for Javelin (I never even touched it before la, luckily there's this practice session) hope I'll secure a place for 308! and do 202 proud hehs. Mr Chew was really nice today during CEP, except for teasing me together with the class about penguin :0
Had chicken baked rice for lunch today, and mcflurry after that, delicious! shitzx I'm gonna get addicted onto mcflurry, I've a bad omen about it. I gonna put on plenty of weight soon! screw me. Currently thinking of ideas for the class banner :D We'll be doing it on Thursday after school so if you're interested come and join in hehs.
Little cousin's here to stay with us for about a week, so I've got plenty of babysitting to do. He cried last night so I didn't sleep well, but I'll try to take pictures of him :D
& congrats to 305 for 1st, 306 for 2nd & 308 for 3rd!
thanks to mr chew and his constant screaming of 'defence, where's your defence?' and 'support, support!' so cute huh.
Which is really cruel cause chemistry is my worst subject and I have to get 'Experimental Techniques, Salts & Chemical Analysis' into my mini brain. See how I'll die. Forward to thursday, I'll be having history test, which will be super long cause there are reliability, compare & contrast and inference questions, but just have to learn the skills I think, no memorizing :D Friday I'll be going to field practice for Javelin (I never even touched it before la, luckily there's this practice session) hope I'll secure a place for 308! and do 202 proud hehs. Mr Chew was really nice today during CEP, except for teasing me together with the class about penguin :0
Had chicken baked rice for lunch today, and mcflurry after that, delicious! shitzx I'm gonna get addicted onto mcflurry, I've a bad omen about it. I gonna put on plenty of weight soon! screw me. Currently thinking of ideas for the class banner :D We'll be doing it on Thursday after school so if you're interested come and join in hehs.
Little cousin's here to stay with us for about a week, so I've got plenty of babysitting to do. He cried last night so I didn't sleep well, but I'll try to take pictures of him :D
& congrats to 305 for 1st, 306 for 2nd & 308 for 3rd!
thanks to mr chew and his constant screaming of 'defence, where's your defence?' and 'support, support!' so cute huh.
replies to tags:
xuewei: yeah we all do, especially those in loner class like me, and those in classes with the foreigners :0 haha poot you bear, im nice to hug right :D
nicole: yeah okay it's no problem at all (: be more careful next time ah haha
Jialat: eh i'm not that mean to suan you de okay, i dont really care about it anyway. go read the book la, confirm you very touched one! and you're the one who actually read it la, even wenkai didn't. thanks for tagging haha, hope you enjoy the cd :D
Wenkai: no la cause of other things now a bit okay le, tell you next time, who ask you just now msn reply so slow de. so lousy :0 read a bit also eyes hurt :P
Kuan: don't be sad la, 202 lives in our hearts, learn to love your new class :D got blim leh WHAHAHA!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
You can ignore this post if you want to, it's kinda just for keepsake's and my feelings.
Just finished reading through this wonderful book, written by the daughter of Ireland's prime minister :D Yeah, and if you've been one of those few who saw me holding this books wherever I went these few days, it's P.S. I Love You :D
Excerpt 1:
What should she do? How embarrassing her situation was to actually have to call someone to ask for five euro. It was even more humiliating that she had absolutely nobody to call. But she had to or the snotty librarian would probably call the police on her. She dialed the first number that came into her head.
"Hi, this is Gerry, please leave a message after the beep and I'll get back to you as soon as I can."
"Gerry," Holly said crying, "I need you..."
Excerpt 2
She left the staff room expecting to see a customer sitting behind the counter, but instead the old man was still slowly making his way to the counter. Barbara tried not to stare and began pressing random buttons in the keypad.
"Excuse me?"she heard the man's weak voice call to her.
"Hello sir, how can I help you?" she said for the hundredth time that day. She didn't mean to be rude by staring at him, but she was surprised at how young the man actually was. From far away his slumped figure looked elderly. His body was hunched and the walking stick in his hand seemed to be the only thing preventing him from collapsing on the floor in front of her. His skin was very white and pasty, as though he hadn't seen the sun for years, but he had big brown puppy eyes that seemed to smile at her. She couldn't help but smile back at him.
"I was hoping to book a holiday," he said quietly, " but I was wondering if you could help me choose a place."
usually Barbara would have silently screamed at the customer for making her do this unbelievably impossible task. Most of her customers were so fussy that she could be sitting there for hours with them flicking through brochures and trying to persuade them where to go when the truth was she really couldn't give a toss where they went. But this man seemed pleasant, so she was glad to help. She surprised herself.
"No problem sir, why don't you take a sat there and we'll search through the brochures." She pointed to the chair in front of her and looked away again so she didn't have to watch his struggle to sit down.
"Now," she said, full of smiles,"is there any country in particular that you would like to go to?"
"Em... Spain... Lanzarote, I think."
"And is it a summer holiday you're looking for?"
He nodded slowly.
They worked their way through the brochures and finally the man found a place that he liked.
"OK, any month in particular?" she said, looking at the prices.
"August?" he asked, and those big brown eyes looked so deep into Barbara's soul she just wanted to hump over the counter and give him a big hug.
"August is a good month," she agreed with him. "Would you like a sea view or a pool view? The sea view is an extra thirty euro," she added quickly.
He stared into space with a smile on his face as though he were already there. "A sea view, please."
"Good choice. Can i take your name and address, please?"
"Oh... this isn't actually for me... it's a surprise for my wife and her friends."
Those brown eyes looked sad.
Barbara cleared her throat nervously. "Well, that's very thoughtful of you. sir," she felt she had to add. "Could I have their names then, please?"
she finished taking his details and he settled the bill. She began to print the arrangements from the computer to give to him.
"Oh, do you mind if i leave the details here with you? I want to surprise my wife and I would be afraid of leaving papers around the house in case she finds the,."
Barbara smiled; what a lucky wife he had.
"I won't be telling her till July, so do you think it could be kept quiet till then?
"That's no problem, sir." she smiled.
"Thank you for your help, Barbara," he said, smiling sadly with those puppy eyes.
"It's been is pleasure, Mr...Clarke?"
"It's Gerry." He smiled again.
"Well, it's been a pleasure, Gerry, I'm sure your wife would have a wonderful time. My friend went there last year and she loved it" Barbara felt the need to reassure him his wife would be fine.
"Well, I better head back home before they think I've been kidnapped. I'm not even supposed to be out of bed, you know." He laughed again and a huge lump formed in Barbara's throat.
Barbara jumper o her feet and ran around the other side of the counter to hold the door open for him. He smiled appreciatively as he walked past her and she watched as he slowly climbed into the taxi that had been waiting outside for him...
Excerpt 3:
As soon as Gerry knew he was safe, he pulled back the covers and slowly climbed out of bed. He sat on the edge of the mattress for a while, waiting for the dizziness to pass, then slowly made his way to the wardrobe. He took out an old shoebox from the top shelf that contained junk he had collected over the past few years and that also contained the nine full envelopes. He took out the tenth empty envelope and neatly wrote "December" on the tenth empty envelope. Today was the first day of December, and he moved himself forward one year from now, knowing he wouldn't be around. He imagined Holly to be a karaoke genius, relaxed from her holiday in Spain, bruise-free as a result of the bedside lamp and hopefully happy in a new job he loved.
He imagined her on this very day sitting on the bed where he was now and reading the final installment to the list, and he thought long and hard about what to write. Tears filled his eyes as he placed the full stop behind beside the sentence; he kissed the page, wrapped it in the envelope and hid it back in the shoe box. He would post the envelopes to Holly's parents' house, where he knew the package would be in safe hands until she was prepared to open it. He wiped the tears from his eyes and slowly made his way back to bed, where his phone was ringing on the mattress.
"Hello?" he said, trying to control his voice, and he smiled when he heard the sweetest voice on the other end. "I love you too, Holly..."
okay, i'm finished with my ranting on it. Find out the last installment which, well, made me cry (sort of) when you read the book (: Millions of thanks blew to Zan Xin for lending me this book.
I officially name her my second favourite author, after the amiable J.K.Rowling.
Went to kindergarten alumni tea party yesterday afternoon, met some teachers, took photos but unfortunately my dad deleted them away unknowingly and it cannot be recovered. So there goes your first chance of watching me zi-lian(2 photos) at the squeakkkkky clean toilet. Ha! Took MRT there and back, realised I enjoy people-spotting. Spot what's the most 'in' tops and bottoms this season, who look ravishing in a simple outfit, and those who are trying too hard to look good.
It's interesting, really.
These three days have been spent on my chinese tuition, swimming(speaking of which, I'm going for the bronze award soon), the tea party, cooking(my mum's away to malaysia, unfortunately), housework and mugging. Yes, I'm not joking I'm mugging okay. Not to the extent of how xianya mugs of course, but I did some serious revision. I can't screw my mid-years, I know it, you know it too. In fact, we all can't. So good luck to all (:
Blog profile, links, calendar etc will be updated promptly next weekend. I promise 8D
I'm sorta hooked onto "Low" all thanks to Evia & Alan who keeps singing it these few days. Good luck to 308 tomorrow for the volleyhandball match! (:
I feel jealous; that 303's theme colour is orange & that Mrs Sabar is organising a 302 barbecue at her condominium. Oh god, I'm feeling like a bitch but I can't control it. Where's my beloved 202?
Don't be afraid to fall in love again. Open your heart and follow where it leads you... and remember, shoot for the moon...
PS, I will always love you...
Just finished reading through this wonderful book, written by the daughter of Ireland's prime minister :D Yeah, and if you've been one of those few who saw me holding this books wherever I went these few days, it's P.S. I Love You :D
Excerpt 1:
What should she do? How embarrassing her situation was to actually have to call someone to ask for five euro. It was even more humiliating that she had absolutely nobody to call. But she had to or the snotty librarian would probably call the police on her. She dialed the first number that came into her head.
"Hi, this is Gerry, please leave a message after the beep and I'll get back to you as soon as I can."
"Gerry," Holly said crying, "I need you..."
Excerpt 2
She left the staff room expecting to see a customer sitting behind the counter, but instead the old man was still slowly making his way to the counter. Barbara tried not to stare and began pressing random buttons in the keypad.
"Excuse me?"she heard the man's weak voice call to her.
"Hello sir, how can I help you?" she said for the hundredth time that day. She didn't mean to be rude by staring at him, but she was surprised at how young the man actually was. From far away his slumped figure looked elderly. His body was hunched and the walking stick in his hand seemed to be the only thing preventing him from collapsing on the floor in front of her. His skin was very white and pasty, as though he hadn't seen the sun for years, but he had big brown puppy eyes that seemed to smile at her. She couldn't help but smile back at him.
"I was hoping to book a holiday," he said quietly, " but I was wondering if you could help me choose a place."
usually Barbara would have silently screamed at the customer for making her do this unbelievably impossible task. Most of her customers were so fussy that she could be sitting there for hours with them flicking through brochures and trying to persuade them where to go when the truth was she really couldn't give a toss where they went. But this man seemed pleasant, so she was glad to help. She surprised herself.
"No problem sir, why don't you take a sat there and we'll search through the brochures." She pointed to the chair in front of her and looked away again so she didn't have to watch his struggle to sit down.
"Now," she said, full of smiles,"is there any country in particular that you would like to go to?"
"Em... Spain... Lanzarote, I think."
"And is it a summer holiday you're looking for?"
He nodded slowly.
They worked their way through the brochures and finally the man found a place that he liked.
"OK, any month in particular?" she said, looking at the prices.
"August?" he asked, and those big brown eyes looked so deep into Barbara's soul she just wanted to hump over the counter and give him a big hug.
"August is a good month," she agreed with him. "Would you like a sea view or a pool view? The sea view is an extra thirty euro," she added quickly.
He stared into space with a smile on his face as though he were already there. "A sea view, please."
"Good choice. Can i take your name and address, please?"
"Oh... this isn't actually for me... it's a surprise for my wife and her friends."
Those brown eyes looked sad.
Barbara cleared her throat nervously. "Well, that's very thoughtful of you. sir," she felt she had to add. "Could I have their names then, please?"
she finished taking his details and he settled the bill. She began to print the arrangements from the computer to give to him.
"Oh, do you mind if i leave the details here with you? I want to surprise my wife and I would be afraid of leaving papers around the house in case she finds the,."
Barbara smiled; what a lucky wife he had.
"I won't be telling her till July, so do you think it could be kept quiet till then?
"That's no problem, sir." she smiled.
"Thank you for your help, Barbara," he said, smiling sadly with those puppy eyes.
"It's been is pleasure, Mr...Clarke?"
"It's Gerry." He smiled again.
"Well, it's been a pleasure, Gerry, I'm sure your wife would have a wonderful time. My friend went there last year and she loved it" Barbara felt the need to reassure him his wife would be fine.
"Well, I better head back home before they think I've been kidnapped. I'm not even supposed to be out of bed, you know." He laughed again and a huge lump formed in Barbara's throat.
Barbara jumper o her feet and ran around the other side of the counter to hold the door open for him. He smiled appreciatively as he walked past her and she watched as he slowly climbed into the taxi that had been waiting outside for him...
Excerpt 3:
As soon as Gerry knew he was safe, he pulled back the covers and slowly climbed out of bed. He sat on the edge of the mattress for a while, waiting for the dizziness to pass, then slowly made his way to the wardrobe. He took out an old shoebox from the top shelf that contained junk he had collected over the past few years and that also contained the nine full envelopes. He took out the tenth empty envelope and neatly wrote "December" on the tenth empty envelope. Today was the first day of December, and he moved himself forward one year from now, knowing he wouldn't be around. He imagined Holly to be a karaoke genius, relaxed from her holiday in Spain, bruise-free as a result of the bedside lamp and hopefully happy in a new job he loved.
He imagined her on this very day sitting on the bed where he was now and reading the final installment to the list, and he thought long and hard about what to write. Tears filled his eyes as he placed the full stop behind beside the sentence; he kissed the page, wrapped it in the envelope and hid it back in the shoe box. He would post the envelopes to Holly's parents' house, where he knew the package would be in safe hands until she was prepared to open it. He wiped the tears from his eyes and slowly made his way back to bed, where his phone was ringing on the mattress.
"Hello?" he said, trying to control his voice, and he smiled when he heard the sweetest voice on the other end. "I love you too, Holly..."
okay, i'm finished with my ranting on it. Find out the last installment which, well, made me cry (sort of) when you read the book (: Millions of thanks blew to Zan Xin for lending me this book.
I officially name her my second favourite author, after the amiable J.K.Rowling.
Went to kindergarten alumni tea party yesterday afternoon, met some teachers, took photos but unfortunately my dad deleted them away unknowingly and it cannot be recovered. So there goes your first chance of watching me zi-lian(2 photos) at the squeakkkkky clean toilet. Ha! Took MRT there and back, realised I enjoy people-spotting. Spot what's the most 'in' tops and bottoms this season, who look ravishing in a simple outfit, and those who are trying too hard to look good.
It's interesting, really.
These three days have been spent on my chinese tuition, swimming(speaking of which, I'm going for the bronze award soon), the tea party, cooking(my mum's away to malaysia, unfortunately), housework and mugging. Yes, I'm not joking I'm mugging okay. Not to the extent of how xianya mugs of course, but I did some serious revision. I can't screw my mid-years, I know it, you know it too. In fact, we all can't. So good luck to all (:
Blog profile, links, calendar etc will be updated promptly next weekend. I promise 8D
I'm sorta hooked onto "Low" all thanks to Evia & Alan who keeps singing it these few days. Good luck to 308 tomorrow for the volleyhandball match! (:
I feel jealous; that 303's theme colour is orange & that Mrs Sabar is organising a 302 barbecue at her condominium. Oh god, I'm feeling like a bitch but I can't control it. Where's my beloved 202?
replies to tags:
JINGYI: yeah next weekend *promises with puppy eyes* haha, i mean it! stay motivated!
Kuan: you're seeing a new post now, but of 50% you won't be reading, and i don't expect you to. sorry dear :0 I'll watch with you when the dvd is out :D
Wenkai: ya la your BIG BIG NAME, birthday once a year mah, so of course. haha okay that roti-prata-man-thing never crossed my mind, but now that you mentioned, it's quite true hahahahahaha!
XUEMIAO: haha okay thanks for tagging, links up next week :D
hUIMIN'chng: haha you where got not xiong o.o that time very xiong la, and hope your armpit recover liao :P
`xinyi: haha no i wrote it on that day and saved it as draft, so it turned out to be like that o.o
hUIMIN'chng: ehh no it's not dead, i just revived it :D
sinyi: haha okay, thank you
10: oh okay, i gave you le, links up next week so sorry.
Don't be afraid to fall in love again. Open your heart and follow where it leads you... and remember, shoot for the moon...
PS, I will always love you...
Friday, March 7, 2008
I'm back to update my blog, like: finally. Haha. That's exactly ruiqi's reaction when I told her hahaha. Life's been very very hectic, I would say. Common Test 1 is over, and Mid-years are aiming right at us in 1 & a half months, in May. Evia that heypi was complaining that she still had to study on her birthday. 4th May I think haha. Collected my much-dreaded progress report today, had only one pathetic A, which is also an A2 - E Maths :0, one B3 - Malay, 3 B4s - History, SS and Physics, 2 C5s - A Maths & Higher CL, 2 C6s - Biology & Chemistry. Last one was English - failed D7 :0 Not really satisfied but it's okay, try harder.
Highlights these past few weeks were: Road Run, February Babies' Bday celebration & PUNKERS' LEAP YEAR MOVIE! oh and penguin's birthday, but that's between us haha.
Road Run & Feb Babies' Bday Celebration:
These two were combined (: I ordered a pretty pink Vanilla cake. But I dont have pictures with me now tsk. Walked thoughout the road run with mayee and kuanlian :D they're loves whoots.
Volleyhand ball I didn't really notice, but I know there was some arguement cos there was apparently some cock-eyed umpire (you should know if you were there) nothing much after that, but it was heart-warming watching saki people wearing class tees!
Punkers' Outing!:
ME ME ME! I organised it okay, at least I called up most of the people. Special day every four years for a special class to watch a special movie! It was even more successful than ice-skating can. 18 people turned up, but 17 went for the movie course donna couldn't make it last minute D: We pawned KFC with 18 people taking the seats (: I went up to get the tickets, kinda shiok feeling haha, cos I had very long strip of tickets with me and some people were staring at me. The bill was $170++ haha, I think the movie is nice, and i discovered that Corrine May's songs are very very nice! I'd recommend 'Little Superhero Girl' :D:D And I almost burst out laughing at gracekwan's comment
i was laughing like an insane gone wild mad girl in the theater. i absolutely had no idea how LOUD i was that lynn and wanling found me disturbing. {my sincere apologies} but actually u ppl should just blame it on qi yu wu for his horrendous english that tickled me. maybe it appeared worst because all other characters carried the angmoh accent.
a thing about the leading male actor, ananda blah blah blah, was that he looked just like jesus christ when he let down his hair. u can compare him with the photo that used to be in valerie's wallet. im serious.
conclusion of the leap year: worth my $9.50. thumbs up
haha, actually it wasn't that bad, just got that china accent, hard to change yup. And her conclusion is the same as mine: worth my 8 bucks :D Wong Lilin is fantastic. I really think she resembles donna but no one agrees D:
the above was written on 7th March.
Today is 13th March, I shall continue posting.
Watched Sky of Love yesterday at cathay causeway point. It was a fabulous show, just that penguin kinda shocked that it was in japanese, kinda sad ending though D: Cathay has this fabulous couple seats haha, two seats joined together lol. Had japanese food after that (watch jap movie must have jap food mah) homed right after that cos my dad was calling ><>
I'm back to update my blog, like: finally. Haha. That's exactly ruiqi's reaction when I told her hahaha. Life's been very very hectic, I would say. Common Test 1 is over, and Mid-years are aiming right at us in 1 & a half months, in May. Evia that heypi was complaining that she still had to study on her birthday. 4th May I think haha. Collected my much-dreaded progress report today, had only one pathetic A, which is also an A2 - E Maths :0, one B3 - Malay, 3 B4s - History, SS and Physics, 2 C5s - A Maths & Higher CL, 2 C6s - Biology & Chemistry. Last one was English - failed D7 :0 Not really satisfied but it's okay, try harder.
Highlights these past few weeks were: Road Run, February Babies' Bday celebration & PUNKERS' LEAP YEAR MOVIE! oh and penguin's birthday, but that's between us haha.
Road Run & Feb Babies' Bday Celebration:
These two were combined (: I ordered a pretty pink Vanilla cake. But I dont have pictures with me now tsk. Walked thoughout the road run with mayee and kuanlian :D they're loves whoots.
Volleyhand ball I didn't really notice, but I know there was some arguement cos there was apparently some cock-eyed umpire (you should know if you were there) nothing much after that, but it was heart-warming watching saki people wearing class tees!
Punkers' Outing!:
ME ME ME! I organised it okay, at least I called up most of the people. Special day every four years for a special class to watch a special movie! It was even more successful than ice-skating can. 18 people turned up, but 17 went for the movie course donna couldn't make it last minute D: We pawned KFC with 18 people taking the seats (: I went up to get the tickets, kinda shiok feeling haha, cos I had very long strip of tickets with me and some people were staring at me. The bill was $170++ haha, I think the movie is nice, and i discovered that Corrine May's songs are very very nice! I'd recommend 'Little Superhero Girl' :D:D And I almost burst out laughing at gracekwan's comment
i was laughing like an insane gone wild mad girl in the theater. i absolutely had no idea how LOUD i was that lynn and wanling found me disturbing. {my sincere apologies} but actually u ppl should just blame it on qi yu wu for his horrendous english that tickled me. maybe it appeared worst because all other characters carried the angmoh accent.
a thing about the leading male actor, ananda blah blah blah, was that he looked just like jesus christ when he let down his hair. u can compare him with the photo that used to be in valerie's wallet. im serious.
conclusion of the leap year: worth my $9.50. thumbs up
haha, actually it wasn't that bad, just got that china accent, hard to change yup. And her conclusion is the same as mine: worth my 8 bucks :D Wong Lilin is fantastic. I really think she resembles donna but no one agrees D:
the above was written on 7th March.
Today is 13th March, I shall continue posting.
Watched Sky of Love yesterday at cathay causeway point. It was a fabulous show, just that penguin kinda shocked that it was in japanese, kinda sad ending though D: Cathay has this fabulous couple seats haha, two seats joined together lol. Had japanese food after that (watch jap movie must have jap food mah) homed right after that cos my dad was calling ><>
replies to tags:
fongting: haha yes i know you're the best (in your eyes) :P hahahaha!
Mayee: okay i will next time now kinda busy sorry
ruiqi: hais, wo ye hen sian (mei you la)
Kuanlian: yeah wait she see she say people say she very cute again tsk (but she is la hor) chewy again -.-
h'UIMIN chng: haha okay have you watched it? LOL
Wenkai: I think it's not nice leh CJ7 i mean. tsk i not so free organise la but i try lor.
Kuanlian: updated (:
Mayee: him again -.- we actually wanted to sell the chocolate he gave us at the end of term (he gives us something every end of term) to valerie at 10 bucks haha.
APPLEXD: okay okay next time k.
EVIA: haha my city built finished already haha, you so poke one, do what thing o.o
Fongting: my post is up there *points up*
Michelle,: ello (: thanks haha how was your ct?
Kuanlian: haha okay ily too! commons over le hahahaha
Wenkai: yeah okay good you realised. now holidays le -.-
Mayee: okay i get it, but you should say it to waihoong hahahahah!
`xinyi: no la i dunno leh, their relationship very complicated, not for us to probe :P
h'UIMIN chng: i post le la tsk tsk dont so xiong can x.x
sinyi: heyhey hello! posted (: tag more okay
XIAODI:D: link your shit la, havent even got chance to link the blog gone alrdy! stupid leh you x.x
Mayee: hey yeah okay, thanks for comforting me that day k (: really
wanling: meiling 311, yup im going for the gathering. link late k
huishann``: nah it's okay got time must come back find me kay, and take care too! (:
angelina: helloooo, why you see me you always laugh one o.o
`xinyi: i nvr, only neglect for a while nia mah
xuelin:D: haha why do you want me o.o i dont sell myself de okay rawr!
wenhui: haha hello, will link next time kay (:
XUEMIAO: yoyo!
Wenkai: i blogged already okay, see your big name up there?
`xinyi: post le -.-
ruiqi: i did okay, just that i couldn't finish it cos my dad came home and i had to zap off the screen. sorry la it's here alrdy :D i know it's wrong but lazy to change. hahaha
Kuanlian: i nvr la, you also got abandon your blog mah!
-FION: hello (:
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