Stayed back for A Maths test today, realised I'm lacking behind in all my concepts (maybe cos shaun's so interesting a partner to sit with, haha your fault) but then he's so smart he understands chemistry and physics like so well :0 Btw, xuelin MC-ed herself today, Grace was so lonely, I finally saw her sleep in class like finally? lol.
After that went to Malay Remedial, talked cock with Cikgu, went to central with huixin, weiming, wenya, fion, mewleng. Went off to west mall after that, new stocks arrived, had to wait for them to unpack the stocks, before i got my bag at 39 bucks (: Been eyeing it since dunno how many years ago, finally got it! Good thing Zinc is having discount now, if not I'll have to dig another 7 bucks out! I know I'm very stingy k, but I don't care la lol, money leh tsk tsk.
Did sorta errand for ruiqi and mewleng, bought mewleng her sweets, and found the clips ruiqi wanted, bought rubber bands, a comb for myself. Still looking for a mirror for xinyi, then she won't have to come asking me if her hair is messy, i think ruiqi needs one too!
School's pretty stressed up, with the teachers rushing to finish the syllabus and all that yknow, maybe I'll go mad. Been having some problems too but it'll all get better in time? (:
Tune in the Faber Drive! (:
Put yourself in her position
All she needs is recognition
Love's not enough when you say it
Don't you know you've gotta mean it
Screwin up the best thing ever
Is something you'll regret forever
Take her and make sure she feels it
Let her know you'll never let her go
KJ: lol at first i was thinking who is kj la lol -.-
Wenkai: today got one more post! (: haha you drink how many cups?
fongting: haha yeah your new skin is nice!
shaun: haha dumb boy ah you, try to scare me with your fist, think i scared ah lol :P
kahghim: haha okay sorry i like so abrupt tag you lol, you know who i am hor? i enjoy reading your blog, like can feel that you really felt like a moron in the bus screaming to shinyi and fongting for coins lol! yeah lor she's super stupid by the way, if me i'll keep quiet leh, or i say her name haha, most i go detention also dowan tell her, see what she can do to me. call my parents sure kena scolded by my dad lol!
chantel: haha yeah, there's the photo (: get the disc from kaijie tmr k i reminded him le.
Jiayin: i haven changed colour yet, still orange (: