dad hid the modem; he's out washing the car right now.
so yeah, you should know la. hahs.
friday went our with mama at night.
changed the date to collect the cake to 23rd
bought one long pants (fer camp)
saturday was disaster.
shan't talk abt it yeah
sms hell lot last night.
very very fun! :D
don't worry la misty-crusher, i won't drink your juice & eat your flesh :D
i'm nice don't forget! hehs.
slept at 3 plus.
dad woke me up at 7 plus.
went out ate.
pei-ed mama go market.
zzz haha. bought flip flops.
quite nice and cheap la haha. $3.50
army skin shade (:
then homed, mama cooked curry fish head.
quite nice, but a bit too spicy for me
&& i went over to ruiqi's blog and view that picture.
don't know why he reminds me of peter gn.
rmb rmb? the ndp choreographer.
i know you all sure say i cock eyed one, but nvm.
hmm, just some thoughts.
i think it's kinda boring for you all to be reading what i do everyday.
im gonna think of some real substance things to blog abt.
but after camp for sure.
rights, and now, pictures:
that's all, lazy upload alrdy, later blogger crash
i havent been only for like 2 days? mail increased from 64 to 104
and facebook got one damn long list of notifications :0
really damn lazy to go manually see one by one.
wait till im feeling not-lazy -.-
yup, and if your link is not working, pls tag or smthing?
i'll change it asap.
Wenkai: HAHAHA you damn funny cannn! but he's friendly la really, we wanna kill jesse lim, then we wanna go ask him why we cannot pack food from sch home *evil grin* haha okay, no prob la, judging by the frequency i post nowadays. yknow last time my blog right, dead like idk-what, one month post 2 times :P
ruiqi: mine nicer! :P
Sushii: helloooooooo!
SHINYI: yes sack her sack her! hahahah we're evil, but she's MORE evil :D the teacher also dont bother come in, that time desmond chee play with them somemore o.o
Alien: haha okay normal language, i understand the previous one though (:
ruiqi: okay luh okay luh sui bian ni.
fongting: hahaha :D thankyou!
!YI LING: hahaha, blogging is fun mah, u should start one yourself yknow, but judging how busy you are, difficult to maintain la, everyday on the phone with youknowwho :P you so busy still say me, zzz! ehh, you watch very slowwwww can. like tortoise like that, i finished it in 2,3 days leh, :P you lousy. haha okay thankyou la :D
XUEMIAO: hello (:
mayee: blog alrdy!
mag-GIE: huh, not fun one la, lol pain leh zzz
mayee: haha i saw :D
last picture: